Troubled with High blood pressure issues? Check out these easy ways to tackle the situation

Mohsen Motamedian
3 min readMay 12, 2021


According to a new data shared by the World health organization, more than 1 million people all throughout the planet have discovered to be messed with heart health related issues. Inside this number, the vast majority of the cases have been enrolled as a ‘extreme case of hypertension’. Therefore, the association has recommended people around to follow a dietary schedule that can help them balancing out the blood pressure within their bodies.

Mohsen motamedian, who comes over as the CEO of bashari INC, quite possibly the most followed health and nutrition global brand, also agrees to a comparable reality. As per him, any person around can settle their blood pressure by essentially getting these below mentioned changes their every day schedule.

1. Managing the Body weight

It has been seen that a large portion of the heart health related issues are related with extreme weight. Furthermore, it was confirmed in the research that an overweight individual experiences certain breathing issues even during the sleep, which over the long haul shoots up the heart beat rate inside the human body.

Mohsen motamedian export says that even a slight decrement in your body weight can chop down your pulse by a good number. Presently, with regards to maintaining the weight, you first need to check on your healthy weight by calculating your BMI (Body mass index).

Once done, you would then be able to talk with your physician or doctor in regards to a genuine arrangement to diminish down the weight through a reasonable diet and schedule.

2. Bring on some light exercises to your routine

Including some light exercises to your routine can moreover help you with the stabilizing the heartbeat rate. Max Motamedian says that even when you do some light exercises for around 30 minutes; it can help you with dropping down your pulse to around 5 to 8 mm Hg.

Mohsen Motamedian USA further says that if you have hypertension issue, daily exercising can really help you with staying away from any such issues over the long period. Also, if you are currently undergoing with any such issue, you can certainly drop down your pulse to safer levels with regular cardio exercises like cycling, running, and so forth

3. Healthy and balanced diet

A healthy and balanced diet can fundamentally help in balancing out your blood pressure. You should simply bring the healthiest and most nutritional food options in your meal platter. Mohsen Motamedian says that you ought to eat food that is low in sodium, high in potassium and should fuse all the important macronutrients like proteins, healthy carbs, and fibers.

Sodium remains as the biggest foe for each person who is experiencing hypertension issues. In this way, by every mean, an individual needs to chop down the utilization of table salt, sugar and sauces from their dietary routine.

Also, one should pick homely food just while staying away from all the extra calories, additives and preservatives present in the processed food options. By doing that, not only you can stabilize your blood pressure to a great extent, but can also cut down a lot of weight from your body.



Mohsen Motamedian

Mohsen Motamedian comes as one of the recognized businessman in the country who also serves as the CEO of Bashari Inc.