How to Boost Your Immunity Amidst this Pandemic Situation?

Mohsen Motamedian
2 min readJul 21, 2020


The pandemic situation going around has literally made everyone to give utmost priority to their health and well-being.

While the governments and authorities are indulged in bringing the best measures to combat the coronavirus threat, you can contribute by maintaining social distance and bringing basic hygiene into practice

As per Mohsen motamedian export, you can certainly give a big boost to your health by making some key changes in your diet and daily lifestyle. As per him, all these changes can significantly improve your overall immunity and wellbeing.

1. Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep and immunity have always been closely connected. In fact, it has been said that people that don’t get along with a healthy sleeping routine are prone to all kind of health issues.

Mohsen motamedian says that there was a detailed study carried out in the same regards on a group of individuals. During the same, it was been noted that the group that slept fewer than 6 hours were more likely to catch a cold than the one that slept for 6 or more hours.

2. Go for a Plant-Based Diet

Now, this may not sound well to all those meat lovers. Even when non-vegetarian food carries its own benefits to the human body, it’s the plant-based diet that has been deemed more helpful in boosting the immunity in humans.

Mohsen motamedian export says that plant-based diet includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and legumes that come along with some high nutrition and antioxidants.

Well, the same antioxidants then help our body in fighting the demon of any virus or bacteria. On the other side, fibre rich food helps you in boosting your metabolism in the process.

3. Consume More Healthy Fats

By healthy fats, you must not confuse it with the consumption of all types of fried junk and processed food. Healthy fats are found in food options like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, salmon ish and so on.

These healthy fats are highly anti-inflammatory and help in easing down the impact of any injury, burn or damage to your body cells or tissues.

Mohsen motamedian suggests at least 2 servings of healthy fats in your daily dietary regimen.

4. Go for Probiotic Supplements

Mohsen Motamedian export also talks about the regular intake of fermented foods or probiotic supplements in your diet. There have been numerous studies and researches in place that confirms the fact that this pro biotic bacteria helps your gut in fighting all kind of infection down the line.

This way, not only you would be able to fight with any kind of viruses and bacteria, but your digestion is also going to be improved in the long run.



Mohsen Motamedian

Mohsen Motamedian comes as one of the recognized businessman in the country who also serves as the CEO of Bashari Inc.